Stilton Stuffed Chicken Wrapped in Crispy Bacon

This meal is one of my dad's favourites and is always the first to be requested when we can't think of anything else to cook. It's simple, it's super tasty and always goes down a treat.

The bacon is super crispy, the chicken is juicy and tender and filled with delicious cheesy goodness - what's not to like? Plus you can serve it with anything; chips, potatoes, mash, rice.... you name it! We tend to have it with new potatoes and salad which makes it a little healthier (or so I try to convince myself).

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30-45 minutes
Total time: 40-55 minutes

What you'll need:

  • Whole chicken breasts
  • Stilton cheese 
  • Streaky bacon (goes deliciously crispy)

What to do:

  1. Cut the nasty bits (like the fat, blood, veins etc) off the breasts, keeping them whole. Then make a small incision into the fattest bit of the breast.
  2. Chop up some stilton and put it in the small hole you've created 
  3. Wrap the streaky bacon around the chicken breast until its covered. You can use toothpicks/cocktail sticks to help hold the whole thing together, but you might not need too
  4. Put them in a tray and cook at 190 degrees fan for 30-45 minutes or until the chicken is no longer pink when you cut into it.
TOP TIP: If you use an oiled foil tray, the chicken won't stick and there's no tray to wash up afterwards!

NOTE: You can use whatever cheese you like, my family love strong cheese so we tend to opt for stilton! We have also used simple cheddar before but we found that there wasn't much cheese flavour coming through. Try it with whatever cheese you like, it's completely up to you! 

Let me know if you enjoy this as much as my family does in the comments below! Or follow me on twitter @getitdownyaneck. I'd love to hear from you!


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